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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life without technoly

       What can you say about your life today? Are you satisfied? What is the first thing that came your mind for  technology? Do you have the latest gadgets? So what can you say about life without technology?
       Those are the question that came to my mind, i wondering how is life without technology.
Technology means the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization, "from wikipedia".
       Computer is the best technology we have today. A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data//information, and provides output in a useful format. We can make anything using the computer. What else are the example of technology?
Here are they:
1. Instructional technology
2. Assistive technology
3. Medical technology
4. Technology productive tools

Those things are important now and then.
But if you're going to think deep. How is life without it?

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